ZigBee, introduction
Welcome to our website dedicated to
Zigbee, a wireless communication protocol that enables devices to connect and communicate
with each other seamlessly. Zigbee is becoming increasingly popular for home automation and IoT (Internet of Things) applications
due to its low power consumption, small footprint, and reliable communication.
Zigbee operates on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, which uses a mesh network topology to allow devices to communicate with each other
through intermediate nodes, creating a self-healing and self-organizing network. This means that if one device fails, the network
can automatically reroute communication through another device, ensuring that communication is always maintained.
Zigbee devices can be controlled by a central hub or gateway, such as a smartphone or a smart speaker, which allows users to easily
manage their devices and automate various tasks. For example, you can set up your Zigbee-enabled lights to turn on automatically
when you enter a room, or your thermostat to adjust the temperature based on your preferences and schedule.
Zigbee devices (
aka Zigbees) can also communicate with each other directly, without the need for a central hub or gateway, making it a versatile
and flexible protocol for a wide range of applications.
On our website, you'll find information about the different types of Zigbees, how to set up a Zigbee network,
and tips for optimizing and troubleshooting your Zigbee devices. We hope you find our website helpful and informative!
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How do you set up a zigbee network?
To set up a Zigbee network, follow these steps:
- Choose a Zigbee hub or gateway: The first step is to choose a hub or gateway that will act as the central point of control
for your Zigbee devices. Some popular options include Amazon Echo Plus, Samsung SmartThings, and Philips Hue Bridge.
- Connect the hub or gateway to your home network: Connect the hub or gateway to your home network using an Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi.
Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer to complete the setup process.
- Add Zigbee devices to the network: To add a Zigbee device to the network, put the device into pairing mode (refer to the device manual
for instructions) and follow the instructions on the hub or gateway to add the device to the network. Repeat this process for
each device you want to add to the network.
- Set up automation and routines: Once you have added all your devices to the network, you can start setting up automation and routines.
For example, you can create a routine that turns off all the lights in your house when you say "goodnight" to your smart speaker,
or set up a motion sensor to turn on the lights in a room when someone enters.
- Test and optimize the network: After setting up your Zigbee network, it's a good idea to test and optimize it. Check that all devices
are connected and functioning properly, and ensure that there are no dead spots where devices cannot communicate with each other.
You may need to add additional devices to act as "repeaters" to extend the range of the network.
Overall, setting up a Zigbee network is relatively straightforward and can be done by anyone with basic technical knowledge.
With a little bit of patience and experimentation, you can create a seamless and convenient home automation experience using Zigbee technology.
Tips for optimizing and troubleshooting your Zigbees
- Place devices strategically: Zigbee devices use a mesh network topology, which means that each device can act as a repeater
to extend the range of the network. However, it's still important to place devices strategically to ensure optimal communication.
Place devices as close to each other as possible, and avoid placing devices near sources of interference, such as microwaves
or cordless phones.
- Update firmware: Make sure that all your Zigbee devices are running the latest firmware version. Manufacturers often
release updates that fix bugs and improve performance, so updating your devices can help to prevent issues and improve stability.
- Check battery levels: If your Zigbee device is battery-powered, check the battery level regularly. Low battery levels
can cause communication issues and may prevent the device from functioning properly.
- Reset devices: If you're experiencing issues with a Zigbee device, try resetting the device and re-adding it to the network.
This can help to resolve connectivity issues and other problems.
- Check for interference: Zigbee operates on the 2.4GHz frequency band, which can be susceptible to interference from other devices,
such as Wi-Fi routers or Bluetooth devices. If you're experiencing connectivity issues, try moving devices away from potential sources of interference.
- Use a dedicated Zigbee channel: Some Zigbee hubs or gateways allow you to select a specific Zigbee channel to use for your network.
Using a dedicated channel can help to reduce interference and improve stability.
- Use quality devices: Finally, make sure that you're using high-quality Zigbee devices from reputable manufacturers.
Cheaper devices may be more prone to connectivity issues and other problems, so investing in quality devices can help to ensure a more stable
and reliable Zigbee network.
By following these tips, you can optimize your Zigbee network for maximum performance and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.
The protocols build on recent algorithmic research (Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector, neuRFon) to automatically construct a low-speed ad-hoc
network of nodes. In most large network instances, the network will be a cluster of clusters. It can also form a mesh or a single cluster. The
current profiles derived from the ZigBee protocols support beacon and non-beacon enabled networks.
In non beacon-enabled networks (those whose beacon order is 15), an unslotted CSMA/CA channel access mechanism is used. In this type of
network ZigBee Routers typically have their receivers continuously active, requiring a more robust power supply. However, this allows for
heterogeneous networks in which some devices receive continuously, while others only transmit when an external stimulus is detected. The
typical example of a heterogeneous network is a wireless light switch: the ZigBee node at the lamp may receive constantly, since it's
connected to the mains supply, while a battery-powered light switch would remain asleep until the switch is thrown. The switch then wakes up,
sends a command to the lamp, receives an acknowledgment, and returns to sleep. In such a network the lamp node will be at least a ZigBee
Router, if not the ZigBee Coordinator; the switch node is typically a ZigBee End Device.
ZigBee Routers
In beacon-enabled networks, the special network nodes called ZigBee Routers transmit periodic beacons to confirm their presence to other
network nodes. Nodes may sleep between beacons, thus lowering their duty cycle and extending their battery life. Beacon intervals may range
from 15.36 milliseconds to 15.36 ms * 214 = 251.65824 seconds at 250 kbit/s, from 24 milliseconds to 24 ms * 214 = 393.216 seconds at 40
kbit/s and from 48 milliseconds to 48 ms * 214 = 786.432 seconds at 20 kbit/s. However, low duty cycle operation with long beacon intervals
requires precise timing which can conflict with the need for low product cost.
In general, the ZigBee protocols minimize the time the radio is on so as to reduce power use. In beaconing networks, nodes only need to be
active while a beacon is being transmitted. In non-beacon enabled networks, power consumption is decidedly asymmetrical: some devices are
always active, while any others present spend most of their time sleeping.
ZigBee devices are required to conform to the IEEE 802.15.4-2003 Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) standard. The standard
specifies its lower protocol layers—the physical layer (PHY), and the medium access control (MAC) portion of the data link layer (DLL). This
standard specifies operation in the unlicensed 2.4 GHz, 915 MHz and 868 MHz ISM bands. In the 2.4 GHz band there are 16 ZigBee channels, with
each channel requiring 5 MHz of bandwidth. The center frequency for each channel can be calculated as, FC = (2405 + 5*(k-11)) MHz, where k =
11, 12, ..., 26.
The radios use direct-sequence spread spectrum coding, which is managed by the digital stream into the modulator. BPSK is used in the 868 and
915 MHz bands, and orthogonal QPSK that transmits two bits per symbol is used in the 2.4 GHz band. The raw, over-the-air data rate is 250
kbit/s per channel in the 2.4 GHz band, 40 kbit/s per channel in the 915 MHz band, and 20 kbit/s in the 868 MHz band. Transmission range is
between 10 and 75 meters (33~246 feet), although it is heavily dependent on the particular environment. The maximum output power of the radios
is generally 0 dBm (1 mW).
The basic channel access mode specified by IEEE 802.15.4-2003 is "carrier sense, multiple access/collision avoidance" (CSMA/CA). That is, the
nodes talk in the same way that people converse; they briefly check to see that no one is talking before they start. There are three notable
exceptions to the use of CSMA. Beacons are sent on a fixed timing schedule, and do not use CSMA. Message acknowledgements also do not use
CSMA. Finally, devices in Beacon Oriented networks that have low latency real-time requirements may also use Guaranteed Time Slots (GTS) which
by definition do not use CSMA.
(Source: Wikipedia)
ZigBee overview
The relationship between IEEE 802.15.4-2003 and ZigBee is similar to that between IEEE 802.11 and the Wi-Fi Alliance. The ZigBee 1.0
specification was ratified on December 14, 2004 and is available to members of the ZigBee Alliance. An entry level membership, called Adopter,
in the ZigBee Alliance costs US$ 3500 annually and provides access to the specifications and permission to create products for market using
the specifications. For non-commercial purposes, the ZigBee specification is available to the general public at the ZigBee Specification
Download Request. Most recently, the ZigBee 2006 specification was posted in December 2006.
Simpler and cheaper than Bluetooth
ZigBee operates in the industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio bands; 868 MHz in Europe, 915 MHz in countries such as USA and
Australia, and 2.4 GHz in most jurisdictions worldwide. The technology is intended to be simpler and cheaper than other WPANs such as
Bluetooth. The most capable ZigBee node type is said to require only about 10% of the software of a typical Bluetooth or Wireless Internet
node, while the simplest nodes are about 2%[citation needed]. However, actual code sizes are much higher, closer to 50% of Bluetooth code
size. ZigBee chip vendors have announced 128-kilobyte devices.
As of 2006, the retail price of a Zigbee-compliant transceiver is approaching $1, and the price for one radio, processor, memory package is
about $3.[1] Comparatively, before Bluetooth was launched (1998) it had a projected price, in high volumes, of $4 - $6[citation needed]; the
price of consumer-grade Bluetooth chips is now under $3.[2]
ZigBee Alliance
First stack release is called "Zigbee 2004". The 2nd stack release (today, 26 June 2007, the current public one) is called 2006, and
mainly replaces the MSG/KVP structure used in 2004 with a "cluster library". The 2004 stack is now more or less obsolete. The ZigBee Alliance
has started work on ZigBee 2007, looking to extend the ZigBee 2006 specification capabilities, the main enhancements are optimising certain
network level functionality (such as data aggregation). There are also some new application profiles like Automatic Meter Reading, Commercial
building automation and home automation based on the "cluster library principle".
Zigbee 2007 is sometimes called "Pro", but Pro is a stack profile, which defines certain stack settings and mandatory features.
ZigBee 2007 at the network level is not backwards-compatible with ZigBee 2004/2006, although a ZigBee 2004/2006 RFD node can join a 2007
network, and vice-versa. It's not possible to mix 2004/2006 routers with 2007 routers/coordinator.
Embedded applications
ZigBee protocols are intended for use in embedded applications requiring low data rates and low power consumption. ZigBee's current focus is
to define a general-purpose, inexpensive, self-organizing, mesh network that can be used for industrial control, embedded sensing, medical
data collection, smoke and intruder warning, building automation, home automation, etc. The resulting network will use very small amounts of
power so individual devices might run for a year or two using the originally installed battery.
Zigbee Device types
There are three different types of ZigBee device:
- ZigBee coordinator(ZC): The most capable device, the coordinator forms the root of the network tree and might bridge to other networks.
There is exactly one ZigBee coordinator in each network since it is the device that started the network originally. It is able to store
information about the network, including acting as the Trust Centre & repository for security keys.
- ZigBee Router (ZR): As well as running an application function a router can act as an intermediate router, passing data from other devices.
- ZigBee End Device (ZED): Contains just enough functionality to talk to its parent node (either the coordinator or a router); it cannot relay
data from other devices. This relationship allows the node to be asleep a significant amount of the time thereby giving the much-quoted
long battery life. A ZED requires the least amount of memory, and therefore can be less expensive to manufacture than a ZR or ZC.
The protocols build on recent algorithmic research (Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector, neuRFon) to automatically construct a low-speed ad-hoc
network of nodes. In most large network instances, the network will be a cluster of clusters. It can also form a mesh or a single cluster. The
current profiles derived from the ZigBee protocols support beacon and non-beacon enabled networks.
In non beacon-enabled networks (those whose beacon order is 15), an unslotted CSMA/CA channel access mechanism is used. In this type of
network ZigBee Routers typically have their receivers continuously active, requiring a more robust power supply. However, this allows for
heterogeneous networks in which some devices receive continuously, while others only transmit when an external stimulus is detected. The
typical example of a heterogeneous network is a wireless light switch: the ZigBee node at the lamp may receive constantly, since it's
connected to the mains supply, while a battery-powered light switch would remain asleep until the switch is thrown. The switch then wakes up,
sends a command to the lamp, receives an acknowledgment, and returns to sleep. In such a network the lamp node will be at least a ZigBee
Router, if not the ZigBee Coordinator; the switch node is typically a ZigBee End Device.
ZigBee Routers
In beacon-enabled networks, the special network nodes called ZigBee Routers transmit periodic beacons to confirm their presence to other
network nodes. Nodes may sleep between beacons, thus lowering their duty cycle and extending their battery life. Beacon intervals may range
from 15.36 milliseconds to 15.36 ms * 214 = 251.65824 seconds at 250 kbit/s, from 24 milliseconds to 24 ms * 214 = 393.216 seconds at 40
kbit/s and from 48 milliseconds to 48 ms * 214 = 786.432 seconds at 20 kbit/s. However, low duty cycle operation with long beacon intervals
requires precise timing which can conflict with the need for low product cost.
In general, the ZigBee protocols minimize the time the radio is on so as to reduce power use. In beaconing networks, nodes only need to be
active while a beacon is being transmitted. In non-beacon enabled networks, power consumption is decidedly asymmetrical: some devices are
always active, while any others present spend most of their time sleeping.
ZigBee devices are required to conform to the IEEE 802.15.4-2003 Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) standard. The standard
specifies its lower protocol layers—the physical layer (PHY), and the medium access control (MAC) portion of the data link layer (DLL). This
standard specifies operation in the unlicensed 2.4 GHz, 915 MHz and 868 MHz ISM bands. In the 2.4 GHz band there are 16 ZigBee channels, with
each channel requiring 5 MHz of bandwidth. The center frequency for each channel can be calculated as, FC = (2405 + 5*(k-11)) MHz, where k =
11, 12, ..., 26.
The radios use direct-sequence spread spectrum coding, which is managed by the digital stream into the modulator. BPSK is used in the 868 and
915 MHz bands, and orthogonal QPSK that transmits two bits per symbol is used in the 2.4 GHz band. The raw, over-the-air data rate is 250
kbit/s per channel in the 2.4 GHz band, 40 kbit/s per channel in the 915 MHz band, and 20 kbit/s in the 868 MHz band. Transmission range is
between 10 and 75 meters (33~246 feet), although it is heavily dependent on the particular environment. The maximum output power of the radios
is generally 0 dBm (1 mW).
The basic channel access mode specified by IEEE 802.15.4-2003 is "carrier sense, multiple access/collision avoidance" (CSMA/CA). That is, the
nodes talk in the same way that people converse; they briefly check to see that no one is talking before they start. There are three notable
exceptions to the use of CSMA. Beacons are sent on a fixed timing schedule, and do not use CSMA. Message acknowledgements also do not use
CSMA. Finally, devices in Beacon Oriented networks that have low latency real-time requirements may also use Guaranteed Time Slots (GTS) which
by definition do not use CSMA.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Zigbee software and hardware
The software is designed to be easy to develop on small, cheap microprocessors. The radio design used by ZigBee has been carefully optimized
for low cost in large scale production. It has few analog stages and uses digital circuits wherever possible.
Even though the radios themselves are cheap, the ZigBee Qualification Process involves a full validation of the requirements of the physical
layer. This amount of concern about the Physical Layer has multiple benefits, since all radios derived from that semiconductor mask set would
enjoy the same RF characteristics. On the other hand, an uncertified physical layer that malfunctions could cripple the battery lifespan of
other devices on a ZigBee network. Where other protocols can mask poor sensitivity or other esoteric problems in a fade compensation response,
ZigBee radios have very tight engineering constraints: they are both power and bandwidth constrained. Thus, radios are tested to the ISO 17025
standard with guidance given by Clause 6 of the 802.15.4-2003 Standard. Most vendors plan to integrate the radio and microcontroller onto a
single chip. (Some interesting links: [1][2] look for the USB Dongle)
A White Paper [3] published by a European manufacturing group claims that wireless technologies such as ZigBee which operate in the 2.4 GHz RF
band are subject to significant interference - enough to make them unusable. It claims that this is due to the presence of other wireless
technologies like Wireless LAN in the same RF band. The ZigBee Alliance released a White Paper [4] refuting these claims. After a technical
analysis, it concludes that ZigBee devices continue to communicate effectively and robustly even in the face of large amounts of interference.

- ZigBee-style networks began to be conceived about 1998, when many installers realized that both WiFi and Bluetooth were going to be
unsuitable for many applications. In particular, many engineers saw a need for self-organizing ad-hoc digital radio networks.
- The IEEE 802.15.4 standard was completed in May 2003.
- In the summer of 2003, Philips Semiconductors, a major mesh network supporter, ceased its investment. Philips Lighting has, however,
continued Philips' participation, and Philips remains a promoter member on the ZigBee Alliance Board of Directors.
- The ZigBee Alliance announced in October 2004 that its membership had more than doubled in the preceding year and had grown to more
than 100 member companies, in 22 countries. By April 2005 membership had grown to more than 150 companies, and by December 2005 membership
had passed 200 companies.
- The ZigBee specifications were ratified on 14 December 2004.
- The ZigBee Alliance announces public availability of Specification 1.0 on 13 June 2005, known as ZigBee 2004 Specification.
- The ZigBee Alliance announces the completion and immediate member availability of its enhanced version of the ZigBee Standard in
September 2006, known as ZigBee 2006 Specification.
- During the last quarter of 2007, ZigBee PRO, the enhanced ZigBee specification was finalized.
Sources: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1. Adams, Jon; Bob Heile (2005-10). Busy as a ZigBee. [IEEE]
2. Compare with Other Technologies. Bluetooth SIG
3. WLAN Interference to IEEE802.15.4. Zensys (2007-3-16)
4. ZigBee and Wireless Frequency Coexistence. ZigBee Alliance (2007-6)
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